Director’s Message

Our students and parents are the heart of our operations, all our programs revolve around students and allow them to unleash unimaginable opportunities to grow as an asset to society. Life at The Upnishad School is a blend of academics, art, craft, sports, social, emotional and cognitive learning with an equal craving for community service. We are sensitive towards the overall development of a child, we have mentors from varied vocations that train our students in various arts and crafts apart from despotic training in academics and sports. A child that moves out of The Upnishad School is a jack of all trades distended with confidence and a sense of responsibility.

Principal’s Message

A child is like a flower and should be allowed to bloom like one. If they are given liberty they grow up as fragrant flowers in different colours but if the buds are crushed they never bloom. Similarly, students should be given wings to fly and explore their inner potentials so that they can manifest their talents and outshine in their selected fields. Our school provides superior infrastructure, experienced mentors, a friendly environment, technologically advanced labs and sports facilities for the complete development of a child.

Our motto is “Vidhya Dhanam Sarva Dhanam Pradhanam” through which in the mind of our students by way of integral education we shall establish the fact that “the success of life should be measured by knowledge and not by wealth”